Holdings Page Help
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Holdings Page Overview
The Holdings Page gives you a detailed look at the totals and positions held in one or more of your accounts. You can filter the page by selecting different asset types and account groupings, allowing you to easily answer questions like:
- What is the asset allocation across just my kids' accounts?
- How much of a particular stock do I own in total, across all my accounts? How is it allocated across them?
- How much cash is in each of my accounts?
Related: How often is my financial data updated?
Your Stifel data is always up-to-date. Data from accounts at other institutions is updated every day. To find out more, head to How Often Is My Data Updated?
Holdings Page Features
Selecting Accounts
You can view your accounts by selecting a single account from the Accounts dropdown box or you an view them by a particular group of accounts that you have created.
Tip: To make it easier to switch between groups of accounts, like "kids" and "retirement", learn how to create Account Groups here.
Tip: Learn more about the Account Selection Dropdown here.
If you use the Account Selection Dropdown to select a single account, the Holdings Page acts as a detailed presentation of that account's totals and positions.
If you select multiple (or all) accounts, the Holdings Page acts as an aggregate presentation of the totals and positions across all the accounts. When you click on a particular position, it will expand to reveal all the accounts that hold it.
Integrated Stifel Research
Stifel's award winning Research is seamlessly integrated into your Holdings page. Easily access the analyst rating and recent research report all within your Holdings page.
Sorting Your Holdings
By default, the Holdings Page sorts your holdings in Balance Sheet Order. You can change the sort at any time by clicking on a column header. For example: click Market Value to sort by that field, descending. Click it again to sort ascending.
Filtering with the Asset Type Filter
Use the Asset Type Filter to drill down to a view of one or more asset types. Filtering by asset type works in combination with the Account Selection Dropdown.
If a filter is in effect, it will appear beside the Filters Button. You can disable a filter by click the "X" next to it, or clear all filters at once in the Filter Dropdown.
An Asset Type Filter may be pre-applied to the Holdings Page when you get there. This happens if you navigate to the page by clicking on an Asset Type elsewhere in the app.
Filtering with Holdings Search
You can use the Search Box to find holdings by name, symbol, or description. The Search Box works in combination with the Asset Type Filter and the Account Selection Dropdown, so you will only see results that match all three.
Data Export
The Download CSV button allows you to export and download the holdings data currently in view. The downloaded data is filtered according to the current state of the Account Selection Dropdown, Asset Type Filter, and Search Box.
A CSV File is a comma-separated value file, which is a standard format that can be opened by most spreadsheet and text-editing software, including Microsoft Excel.
The Download CSV button is currently only available when accessing Stifel Wealth Tracker in a web browser (not in a mobile app).
Common Questions
How do I view holdings for only a single account?
You can narrow your selection to a single account by using the Account Selection Dropdown found at the top right of the page. First unselect "All Accounts," and then select just that account.
Why didn't the Holdings Page initially show all my accounts?
If you came to the Holdings Page by clicking on a specific account elsewhere in the application, the Holdings Page will be pre-filtered to only show that account. If you wish to view all your accounts, just use the Account Selection Dropdown to select "All Accounts."
Why didn't all the holdings for a given position aggregate together?
Occasionally, different institutions will report the same holding using a slightly different name or description. For example, one account may list an equity with the name "XYZ Corporation", while the other lists "XYZ Corp". Stifel Wealth Tracker usually detects and merges slight variations like this, but if you find an instance that was missed, please email us at for more help
Need More Help?
Do you have a question or issue that is not covered here? Check out the related pages below, or please email us at for more help.
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