Selecting Accounts
This page applies to: The Home Page, Holdings Page, Activity Page, Spending Page, and Balance Sheet Review.
Stifel Wealth Tracker gives you the option to view a single account or a group of accounts by using the Your Accounts dropdown box or the Groups dropdown box.
Your Accounts Dropdown
Look for the Account Selection Dropdown at the top right of the page. Changing the selection in this dropdown will update all the data on the page to reflect the new selection.
You can select any combination of the following. If you have a large number of accounts, you may have to scroll to see them all.
Individual Accounts: Select / unselect one or more individual accounts by clicking on them directly. You can also select from your Manual Assets and Liabilities, which are found under "Other" near the bottom of the dropdown.
Account Categories: Select / unselect an entire category of accounts -- Investments, Banking, Liabilities, Other -- by clicking on the category name.
Account Groups: Switch directly to one of the account groups you have defined by clicking on the group name. This will unselect all accounts not in that group. To learn more, check out Creating Account Groups.
Common Questions
How do I select a single account?
You can narrow your selection to a single account by first unselecting "All Accounts," and then selecting just that account.
What is the difference between account categories and account groups?
Every account is automatically assigned an Account Category (like Investments, Banking, or Liabilities) based on its type. The Account Category cannot be changed.
Account Groups are created by you. You can use them to make it easier to quickly switch between sets of accounts in the Account Selection Dropdown. For example, you could create a "Kids" Account Group and assign accounts from several different categories to it.
How do I make account groups?
You can create and edit your account groups from the Account Management page. To learn more, check out Creating Account Groups.
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